As many now know, Facebook has created the option for users to change their profile into a timeline. Some have been eager to try it out; others have been hesitant to change from Facebook’s original layout.
When a user switches to Facebook Timeline, their profile suddenly becomes a diary page, filled with status updates, new friends, and photos that they took with friends. All of the information is organized in chronological order, and it is much easier to find older pictures or status updates through this outline. In addition, users can now add milestones to their profile. For example, once users travel somewhere, find a new hobby, or learn a new language, they can post it on their milestone list on Facebook Timeline, making it easier for Facebook users to share their life experiences with the world.
Facebook also added in a program called “Your Apps,” which allows people to share the movies they’ve seen, the songs they’ve listened to, or the books that they’ve read. The Timeline could act as a nice stroll down memory lane, as users scroll down and reminisce about their past.
Sophomore Douglas Valle says, “I feel like it’s easier to find information out about people. Sophomore Kelly Chang says, “Although it takes some getting used to, I really like the cover picture. It’s also cool to see what you did three years ago or whenever you made your account. It’s like a scrapbook of your life.”
The Timeline however, does have its negative aspects. As the new layout makes an entire person’s whole life far more accessible, Facebook users sensitive about cyber security do not like the Timeline. Instead of going from link to link in order to explore, all one has to do is scroll down a page. This raises many concerns about stalkers viewing profiles. Although a user can choose what to make public or private, many people complain that they don’t have the time to review and customize every single post and picture that they post. Users complained that it would be too time consuming, and would defeat the purpose of a quick status update.
Sophomore Rick Miyagi states, “I hate [the Facebook Timeline]. It’s way too confusing. I liked the original simple look way better. And it’s even more confusing when some people have it, and some people don’t.” Senior Evan Lee agrees, saying that, “The new [layout] is terrible. I have no idea what they were thinking. The whole thing is just confusing. I would not recommend this to others.”
However, some people need to become more accustomed to the new outline. Sophomore Shannon Chen states, “[The Timeline] is really confusing at first. But then you get used to it, and it’s actually not as bad when you actually know how to use it. It’s really cool to see how you’ve changed throughout the years just by looking at your old pictures and posts. However, it gets annoying when you have to scroll on forever.” Sophomore Patrick Wan suggests, “If there was a format that was more like the old format and the Timeline mixed in, it would be great.”
On Jan. 25, Facebook announced that it are requiring everyone to switch to Timeline. Although some people have already voluntarily switched to Timeline, Facebook hasn’t made it mandatory until now. Currently, the Facebook team is sending out waves of notifications notifying users that they have seven days to clean up their profile; they will have to move their information around, hide photos and adjust their privacy settings. After these seven days, their profiles will be automatically changed to the Timeline format.