January 29, 2025

2 thoughts on “Racial humor: not a laughing matter

  1. “the term “racist joke” in itself is a contradiction—racism is not a joke, and should not be taken lightly”
    Congratulations for enforcing your view of what is funny and what is not. Because humour isn’t at all subjective.
    A joke can be any story told with a pun or twist that connects ideas in a way the audience wasn’t expecting. Of course there are good jokes and bad jokes, and a case could be built for racist jokes being bad jokes. But to claim they’re not jokes at all is just dictating what everyone should find funny and it’s extremely elitist.
    The other problem is that you don’t justify why racist jokes shouldn’t be consider jokes, you just claim it and run with it. You’ve committed a fallacy by basically defining your argument into existence, rather than making a case for it.

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