February 22, 2025

1 thought on “Aragon attractive to prospective transfers

  1. Hello my name is Gloria Miles I have tried to get an Intra-transfer to Aragon High School for my Grandson
    Ryan Miles he is African American and is going to his Freshman year he has a good Academia record I am his Grandmother. The San Mateo School District atmosphere is very unfriendly.  I have been a resident of Foster city for 22 years I am a property tax payer here in San Mateo County I discovered that Aragon High School has
    1,441 students and only 1% is African American my question is why is there such a disparity? I am having a difficult time getting my Grandson Ryan to Attend Aragon. Ryan was given the Aragon packet at his middle school Bowditch which we took the entire evening filling out on March 16th we attended Aragon pre-registration and waited up to 40 minutes for our number to be called, to be told there was no folder for Ryans classes, Dounia Kardosh who works in student services relayed that message to me she was very kind Dounia sent me back to San District to speak to Kindylee Mackamul who was not taking or talking to anyone that day which was the 17th of March I am 64yrs old and this has been very difficult venture. PLEASE HELP

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