February 22, 2025

1 thought on “Cybercrime: a criminal offense?

  1. I think something that really needs to be stressed amongst High Schoolers now is internet security. You may or may not have been breached online already, and you may never know. Whoever it may be, whether it may be the NSA, or Anonymous taking your information does not matter in the world of Big Data. Your online information is the same as Selena Gomez’s information. Take Google for example. If you Googled your name, and you could see a picture of you (however old you were in that picture), that already shows that your information is public now, and you cannot delete it. This is similar to the leaks in which certain racy photos of celebrities were leaked. In fact the FBI concluded that it was not Apple’s  wrongdoings/or glitches in their servers, it was actually the celebrities for not putting strong enough passwords on their iCloud/Apple accounts. So in conclusion the issue is not with Apple in this specific issue, rather the celebrities for not putting strong enough passwords on their accounts. 

    With this month being “National Cyber Security Awareness Month”, I think that it would be nice if Aragon would do something  School-wide to teach people to not make their passwords as generic as:123456 or NAMEHERE1998 .



    Can’t find where the FBI said it wasn’t Apple’s fault…

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