Flex Time was introduced in 2015 to provide students with additional time to complete schoolwork, get help from teachers or collaborate with others. Most students take advantage of the free period to catch up on work they didn’t do or prepare for tests and quizzes. On occasion, though, teachers are unavailable during Flex and some do not notify students, leaving many scrambling around campus to find an open classroom. In addition, students are not made aware of online resources that allow them to plan ahead for Flex Time.
The Outlook believes that students can make better use of Flex Time if teachers disclosed their availability earlier. A regulated system could include posted schedules at the beginning of each week in the modules section of Canvas pages or on whiteboards or outside of classrooms.
Classrooms should also be categorized by the work environment available. Teachers should share if their classroom will be silent or open to collaborative work time. They should also let students know if all or only current students are welcome, and should specify if their room is only open for test taking, studying or free work. These labels should also specify if the classroom has access to computers.
The FlexTime app is beneficial to those who are aware of its features, but the majority of the student body is unfamiliar with it. It allows students to create appointments in certain classrooms for Flex Time, which is especially helpful for students who need to meet with a specific teacher. The FlexTime app should be taught to all students the same way other school resources such as Naviance and Canvas are. A simple presentation breaking down how the app works will encourage students to plan ahead and make better use of their time. Students who need help from a teacher whose room is especially busy may decide instead to not get help during the time designated for that.
The Aragon Outlook believes that heightened communication between students and teachers will create a more productive Flex Time. With this reform teachers will be able to help students build responsible learning habits by offering them the opportunity to manage their complicated schedules. With posted schedules and an increased understanding of the FlexTime app, students will learn valuable productivity and proactivity skills.