February 21, 2025

2 thoughts on “Opinion: Southeast Asians need better representation

  1. I wish I could sing this article from the top of my lungs. Thank you for this. Sincerely, an underrepresented South East Asian- American woman

  2. thank you for writing this article, i teared up a bit while reading this because of how much i can relate. As a Cambodian person who was born in Cambodia but moved abroad at a young age, i see that there are not a lot of South East Asian representation. People would always guess or asked me if I’m from South Asia or more specifically Indian because of my brown skin. At a young age i would often tell myself that my skin is the reason why l don’t have a lot of friends in primary school or not having a boyfriend cause I’m a brown skin Asian and not a pale Asian like my East Asian friend, even my own Asian friend don’t really consider me as a true Asian. I would use my mum bleaching soap to bleach my skin so i can look like my pale skin Chinese friend and wishing i was born white so i can wear any colour i want. When my school talk about racism it would always be about East Asian and the Black community or talking about colourism, it would always about the black community. But there was nothing about South East Asia.
    If it was about South East Asia it would always about poverty and struggle the people are facing but never our culture, our music our dance our food our people our tradition.

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