Aragon has a wide variety of student-led clubs that serve as a way to bring students with common interests together. Many were added this semester and presented at the Club Fair. Some clubs, including Art Club, Movie Club and Photography Club, are geared toward creativity, while other clubs, such as Chess Club and Table Tennis Club, are focused on learning and strategy.
“La Raza” translates from Spanish to “the race” and is a phrase used to represent Hispanic and Chicano people. La Raza Club existed as a club at Aragon before March of 2020, when shutdowns due to COVID-19 began, and is starting up again for students in 2022.
“People who [join] the club will learn what the true meaning of being Latino is and how we can support each other in different ways,” said senior and club officer Alizeth Picos.
A second new club for the 2022 spring semester is Chess Club, led by freshmen Alex Zhao and Dragon Cai. Zhao has played chess for years.
“People … will learn … how we can support each other in different ways”
“I hope to teach more people about chess and have them play chess well so they’re motivated to play chess,” Zhao said. “In second grade, I took an enrichment class [on chess] and I learned a lot there. To teach, I bring a chessboard and have a big whiteboard [to] draw [instructions for how to play].”
Junior Nicholas Schick is the president of Precious Plastics Club, which turns recycled plastic into objects, like clipboards, for daily use.
“Our hope for the club is to establish a community focused on recycling,” Schick said. “In northern California, [we want] to get single-use plastics out of the ecosystem and into permanent products that won’t get thrown away.”
After developing a passion for photography from his father, freshman Spencer Coral founded Photo Club. Photography and video classes are both offered as Career Technical Courses at Aragon, but Photo Club will be another community for students interested in the art of photo and video besides taking photo and video classes.
“This [club] is a place [where] everybody … can show up and interact with each other”
“This [club] is a place [where] everybody that loves photography can show up and interact with each other,” Coral said. “I hope to facilitate the conversations [in the club and] make sure that everything is going fine.”
Sophomore Galit Moff was interested in joining the Photo Club.
“[I‘d] consider joining in order to dive deeper into my passion for photography,” Moff said. “Beyond the subject matter itself, I want to become more involved within Aragon clubs as well.”
The many clubs offered at Aragon provide a place for all students to find something they are interested in and spend their lunchtime with people that share their common interests. More information about Aragon clubs can be found on the Canvas Dashboard or on posters that are around school.